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SGF (Schhool, Guiys & Funn) by Alredel


Vous incarnez Lucas Donovan (par défaut) qui entre en première année de sport-étude section football (soccer) dans un lycée moderne et assez récent dont le mécène et généreux constructeur est votre père. Il est une personne connue et influente dans le milieu des construction et de l'immobilier, ce qui fait de vous " le fils de-", et êtes donc privilégié.

Vous vivez dans un quartier aisé, et êtes en ville depuis près de 15 ans. Votre père est séparé de votre mère dont vous ne vous souvenez que vaguement du visage.

Votre frère vis avec vous et votre père dans votre maison.

L'histoire prend place dans la ville de Saint-Royal, dans un pays imaginaire qu'il n'est pas important de cité (vraiment aucun intérêt...).

Vous avez insisté pour être inscrit dans le lycée "Saint-royal Gran Football" (SFG, héhé oui, c'est le même acronyme que Schhool, Guiys & Funn" !) car votre groupe d'ami y est inscrit et joue dans le club du lycée. Vous aviez l'habitude de taper des petits foot dans le stade du quartier avec eux et avez été en club depuis bien longtemps, autant continuer et ne pas perdre de vu vos amis.

Ryan et vous commencerez en équipe 2, mais Jayden et Tino sont en équipe 1, et attendent votre monté.

L'histoire commence réellement quand Ryan vous dit, alors qu'il revient de vacances, qu'il a eu sa première expérience sexuelle avec un homme ! Et que c'était filmé !

De là, votre corruption augmente pour commencer à vous intéresser à d'autres choses que du pornos dans les magazines de cul hétéro de votre frère.

Et si vous n'étiez pas réellement hétéro ? 🙀 (Bah oui ,c'est un jeu gay !)

La suite est dans le jeux, téléchargé le !

Le projet

Silent Majority sur Patreon devient ma page de prédilection pour poster les avancées de mon projet de jeu basé sur du texte au contenu gay et sexuel, et donc interdit au moins de 18 ans 🔞

Les jeux "text-based" est ma source de divertissement favori, après le jeu de rôle ! 🤗

Je me suis mis à coder seul sur mon ordinateur et à apprendre le code depuis bientôt 8 mois, à l'heure où j'écris ces lignes.

Je me suis dis qu'il était tant de poster le jeu en l'état et d'apprendre un peu plus sur les envies de mes futurs joueurs 🤞

Contenus FICTIFS consentis entre les protagonistes majeurs pouvant être choquant 🔞:

  • relations inappropriées gays (fr/fr, p/f)
  • Homosexualité explicite consentie
  • Sexe violent avec consentement
  • Sexe consenti pendant le sommeil
  • Voyeurisme consenti
  • Uro consenti (scènes de sexe contenant de l'urine, de la pisse)
  • Protagoniste précoce

Autant prévenir que le jeu est en construction, et peut-être pas tout à fait optimal optimal. Mais je me dis c'est le meilleur moment de faire tester en vrai, et sans filet. Après tout, j'arriverais peut-être à prendre des informations capitales sur les besoins et envies des joueurs pour mieux orienter le développement du jeu.

Je vous remercie 1000 fois de venir regarder cette page, et souhaite à tous plein de jeux et d'amour !



Mon Patreon :


Le discord du jeu :



SGF (Schhool, Guiys & Funn) by Alredel


You play as Lucas Donovan (by default), who is starting his first year in a sports-study program for football (soccer) at a modern and fairly new high school, whose generous sponsor and builder is your father. He is a well-known and influential figure in the construction and real estate world, making you "the son of-", which gives you certain privileges.

You live in an affluent neighborhood and have been in the city for almost 15 years. Your father is separated from your mother, whose face you barely remember.

Your brother lives with you and your father in your house.

The story takes place in the city of Saint-Royal, in an imaginary country that’s not important to name (it really doesn’t matter).

You insisted on enrolling in the "Saint-Royal Gran Football" (SFG, haha yes, it's the same acronym as “Schhool, Guiys & Funn”!) because your group of friends is enrolled there and plays for the school club. You used to play casual football at the neighborhood stadium with them and have been in a club for a long time, so why stop now and lose sight of your friends?

You and Ryan will start in the second team, but Jayden and Tino are in the first team and are waiting for you to catch up.

The story really begins when Ryan, returning from vacation, tells you that he had his first sexual experience with a man! And that it was filmed!

From there, your corruption level increases as you start to become interested in things other than the straight porn in your brother’s dirty magazines.

What if you weren’t really straight? 🙀 (Well yeah, it’s a gay game!)

The rest is in the game, download it !


SGF (Schhool, Guiys & Funn) on Itch.io is becoming my go-to page for posting updates on my text-based game project with gay and sexual content, which is therefore restricted to those over 18 🔞

Text-based games are my favorite source of entertainment, after role-playing games! 🤗

I’ve been coding on my own and learning to code for almost 8 months now, at the time of writing this.

I figured it was time to release the game as it stands and learn a bit more about the desires of my future players 🤞

Fictional Content Between Consenting Adult Characters That May Be Shocking 🔞:

  • Inappropriate gay relationships (br/br, f/s)
  • Explicit consensual homosexuality
  • Violent consensual sex
  • Consensual sex during sleep
  • Consensual voyeurism
  • Consensual urophilia (scenes involving urine)
  • Early cummer protagonist

Just a heads-up, the game is under construction and far from optimal. But I think this is the best time to let people test it for real, without a safety net. After all, I might be able to gather some crucial insights into players’ needs and desires to better guide the game’s development.

You probably want to know that the game is not in english yet. Sorry for all potential english-speaker players.

I thank you a thousand times for checking out this page and wish everyone lots of games and love!



My Patreon page :


Game's Discord :


Updated 1 hour ago
Published 1 day ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsAdult, ai-generated, Boys' Love, Football, Gay, LGBT, Male protagonist, Romance, Text based, Twine
Average sessionA few hours
LinksPatreon, Discord


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SGF (Schhool, Guiys & Funn) - V0.10


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Great game with a lot of content so far. I like how the MC slowly discovers the world of LGBT culture and eventually becomes a part of it. Secondary characters are also well written, and their corruption brings a ton of pleasure. 

Downsides: game needs English localization, Google Translate often breaks not only the navigation, but also the pictures and clips themselves, which is very annoying. Some passages lead to dead end with no escape button (like when you wanna play with dildo or exercise at gym with second trainer).

I would also like to see some kind of hint where else you can find corruption points.

Anyway, good luck with the project. Looking forward for the next updates.

Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me...

I'm sorry for not providing a good English story for now, but I will work on it.

I know for tthe dead ends for this version, the next one will be better, in many ways, still not in english, but still better I hope.

I'm working hard.

I'm struggling a lot because it is only in French. I can't really pass judgements until I can better understand the game.

I know, I didn't work on an English version for now. But I will work on it. this is a really big work to have a different language game, and I'm still struggling on how I can do that, despite my English tongue is no perfect... xD

Thanks for your comment btw.

I liked it, just some things I want to say and ask:

1- Hope that an english version is coming soon, whether as a separate game or as an option in-game. I managed to play using the browser's translator but there was some times which the translation glitched the buttons, making them impossible to click, I've solved by turning back to french, but still it was a clunky experience.

2- Will the MC be strictly submissive to some characters, like the bully for example? Can we later on try to dominate him and show who's the alpha dog, for example?

Overall it was a fun experience, makes me want to see more, good luck with the project.

1. I will work on an english version, not for now, but still I'll work on it. Despite the fact my english is not that good, it's a really hard task to have a two-language game, even if I separate games.

2. Bully will still a bully. Bullies do bully, that's it. This is just my opinion. But, I already know the MC will have many faces, doing sub on some characters, and doing dom with others (may the bullied guy - Julian -  can be a fun way for the MC to try his dominant part). You see what I mean ?

Anyway thank you a lt for your comment, it means a lot to me.